Too Much To Lose Grant Program

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to keep young people safe, by ensuring Tulsa County businesses are following the law.

The 2M2L (Too Much to Lose) program is sponsored by ODOMHSAS. It’s designed to help keep alcohol out the hands of those who are under age, by making sure area businesses that sell alcohol are checking ID’s and refusing to sell to anyone who is under the age of 21.

TCSO received a $10,000 2M2L grant. This money will be used specially to fund grant shifts, in which TCSO Deputies will utilize underage volunteers to conduct compliance checks at area businesses such as; restaurants, bars, retailers, liquor stores and convenience stores.

This effort kicks off in May and runs through June. TCSO intends to apply for additional grant funding that will hopefully allow the program to continue after June.

For more info on the 2M2L Program: