The Court Operations Division uses a mix of certified deputies and civilian employees to meet the varying needs of the individual courts and overall courthouse security.
One of the primary duties of Court Operations is to provide support for the courts. Deputies escort prisoners to and from court proceedings, as well as take into custody all persons committed to jail by order of a judge while inside a courtroom.
Another Court Operations duty is the security of the courthouse and associated areas. Civilian employees operate the entry control points, utilizing magnetometers and x-ray machines to check for weapons and other contraband items.
A large number of people enter the Tulsa County Courthouse daily. Due to the variety of tenants in the building, some of the people who enter the building have nothing to do with the court system. The deputies assigned to the courthouse represent the Sheriff’s Office to the public but are also a visible representation of county government. They answer questions, give directions and provide assistance in a variety of ways.
Courthouse deputies provide basic law enforcement services to the people inside and adjacent to the courthouse. Deputies are required to respond to a variety of situations, including disturbances, emergencies and criminal reports.
Court Security Officers
Personnel from this unit man the control entry points at the main courthouse. Utilizing magnetometers and x-ray machines they check each person entering the building for weapons and other prohibited items. This unit also staffs the information desk which provides information to courthouse visitors.
Mental Health Deputies
Deputies assigned to the Mental Health Unit serve court related mental health paperwork along with pickup orders. The deputies transport individuals, including jail inmates, to and from various mental health facilities throughout the state.
Court Deputies
Court deputies are assigned to courtrooms where in-custody defendants are present. They escort prisoners that are in custody of the State of Oklahoma to and from court proceedings. Additionally, court deputies take into custody all persons committed to jail by order of a judge while inside a courtroom.
Deputies are assigned to the five district courts, three preliminary hearing courts, arraignment court and jury trial sounding docket. They are also assigned to six different specialty courts.
Court Holding
Court Holding personnel transport city, county and state inmates to court from the facility where they are incarcerated. Assuring that juveniles are protected from other inmates is a daily responsiblity. Deputies must keep protective custody inmates, as well as co-defendants from being transported or confined together.