The fee for fingerprinting at the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office will increase to $15.00 starting January 15, 2019.

Address: 6080 E. 66th Street North
Non-Emergency Line: 918-596-5600
The fee for fingerprinting at the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office will increase to $15.00 starting January 15, 2019.
Monday, December 3, 2018 from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.
VFW Post #577
1109 E. 6th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120
Welcoming Remarks
Introduction- Sheriff Vic Regalado
Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Dallas Field Office
ICE Mission Statement
287(g) Training
287(g) Oversight
287(g) Complaint Process
287(g) Operations at TCSO
Please submit all questions to Beth Woodfin to address the committee or 480-599-6578
Today is voting day for elections across our state. We encourage everyone to get out and take advantage of your right to vote. We would also like to remind everyone of an important rule regarding campaign signs. It is against Oklahoma state law to place campaign signs closer that 300 feet from the ballot machines. Therefore Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office will be responding to calls from poling places to remedy this issue. Deputies will respond and check the location of the signs with an app and if signs are too close they will be removed and taken to the Sheriff’s Office. The candidate can come to the Sheriff’s Office and retrieve their signs.
This week a team of auditors from the American Correctional Association (ACA) have been studying all aspects of jail operations at the Tulsa County Jail. Today, they announced their findings to TCSO’s staff and administration; the Tulsa County Jail received a recommendation of 100 percent compliance with all 59 mandatory standards, as well as all 204 non-mandatory jail standards.
“The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office has achieved what no other Sheriff’s Office in Oklahoma has achieved, reaccreditation complying with national standards”, announced ACA Executive Director, James A. Gondals, Jr. “The citizens of Tulsa County should be proud to know that their fellow citizens are treated humanely and the officer’s jobs are safer.”
(Photo: Sheriff Regalado, ACA Chairperson Kathy Brown, ACA Team Members Quessie Parks and Ernest Umunna, David Parker)
ACA establishes operational standards designed to enhance correctional practices for the benefit of inmates, staff, administrators and the public. Among the hundreds of standards ACA auditors examine are; the safety and security of inmates and staff, medical care, mental healthcare, the protection of inmate rights, food service, policies and procedures, just to name a few.
Sheriff Vic Regalado says, “I am proud of the staff members both at the jail and across this agency who have worked hard to ensure that we are running the jail according to the highest standards. It’s because of them that our jail has been recommended for perfect scores by the ACA.”
The auditors will pass their findings on to ACA’s board members, who will review the findings and make a make a final decision on the jail’s scores in January
It’s easy for children to get separated from their families on the busy midway. In 2017 TCSO reunited 133 kids with their families. Before you head to the fair, teach your child your full cell phone number, including area code.
Take a picture of each of your children with your cell phone before entering the fair. This will give you a current photo of them and what they are wearing. Tell your child that if they get lost, to look for a deputy to help them.
TCSO offers free wrists bands for children. Parents write their cell phone numbers on the bands, so that if their child gets lost, deputies can quickly reunite them with their families. You can get wristbands at TCSO’s Command Post on the east end of Expo Square, as well as our on the upper level of Expo Square.
If your child becomes lost, you don’t have to search for them alone. Alert a Deputy patrolling the midway or go to the “lost child” center on the west end of the Midway, near the kiddie rides.
When you park, be sure your vehicle is locked and no valuables are visible through the windows.
The midway can be crowded. In case of a medical or law enforcement emergency, please stand back and give first responders room to do their jobs.
Under 21 O.S § 1290 D.3, concealed and non-concealed firearms are not permitted at the Tulsa State Fair.
Help keep children safe when school’s in session!
As Tulsa County kids head back to school TCSO deputies are focusing their enforcement efforts on school zones. We are teaming up with AAA Oklahoma and Tulsa Crime Stoppers to remind drivers to slow down in school zones and stay off your phones while behind the wheel.
July 4th Holiday Weekend Safety
Independence Day brings fun, festivities and travel for people across Tulsa County. The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind citizens to travel safely, and practice good safety techniques when enjoying fireworks during celebration.
This is a time for people to get together, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends during our nation’s holiday. Please remember to always adhere to the law when dealing with pyrotechnics. It’s a good idea to have a bucket of water, fire extinguisher and water hose nearby when shooting off fireworks. Deputies from the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office will be on Patrol to assist motorists and citizens throughout the holiday weekend.
Sheriff Vic Regalado and his staff want to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th of July Celebration!
The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office would like to invite you and your family out to join us and our co-sponsors for the 1st Annual Jake Conserve, Hunt, and Share event. This event will be fun for both parents and children. This is a great opportunity to get outdoors and introduce your children to some fun and exciting outdoor activities.
This Wednesday, June 6th marks the 20th the anniversary of the unsolved murder of 16 year old Dena Dean. The Dean Family will commemorate the anniversary by holding a vigil to remember their daughter and pray for justice. Members of TCSO’s Cold Case Task Force will be there to staff our Command Post and speak with anyone who wants to stop by and offer potential leads on the case.
This year’s memorial will be June 6th at Family Fellowship Church: 6105 W. 63rd St, Berryhill. The Dean Family, Task Force Members and Sheriff Regalado will be available for media interviews from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.
In the two years since TCSO’s Cold Case Task Force was formed, volunteers have spent countless hours investigating the Dean murder. New witnesses have been interviewed and multiple search warrants have been served. These efforts have moved the Task Force closer their goal of seeking criminal charges against Dena’s killer(s).
In addition to the Dean murder, the Task force is investigating 29 additional TCSO Cold Cases. Four of those cases are currently very active. Tipsters can leave messages regarding any of these cases by calling the Task Force Office: 918-596-5723.
For more information about TCSO’s Cold Cases:
On Saturday April 28, 2018 Sheriff Regalado and his Staff got to thank a few of the men and women who go above and beyond to serve this Office and citizens of Tulsa County. Congratulations to everyone who was honored during the 2018 Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office Awards Gala.