Homicide Arrest

Last night TCSO investigators arrested 41 year old Michael Christopher Jimenez of Glenpool for the murder of his wife, 40 year old Erica Christine Jimenez.

On Monday afternoon, Deputies responded to a 911 call in 4200 block of East 56th Street North. The caller stated a woman had suffered a diving injury at Bird Creek and was unconscious.

When Deputies arrived, they found Michael Jimenez on the bank of the creek with his wife. She had obvious signs of trauma to her body. She died from her injuries after being transported to a local hospital.

Over the course of the investigation, Detectives developed evidence that indicated Erica Jimenez had been severely beaten at another location prior to being taken to Bird Creek.

He was booked into the Tulsa County Jail for 1st degree murder.

Late TCSO Sgt. John Harris to be honored at the 6th Annual Hero’s and Hot Rods Car Show

For years, TCSO has been proud to participate in the “Hero’s and Hot Rods” car show, by sending patrol vehicles to display, as well as Deputies to from our Community policing Unit to talk with event goers.

But this year’s event is particularly special to us, as the organizers have chosen to honor late TCSO Sergeant John Harris during this year’s event. Sergeant Harris passed away on August 19th, 2021 as a result of being exposed to COVID 19 while on duty. Sheriff Vic Regalado is honored to serve as this year’s guest speaker. The event will take place on June 18, 2022 from 8:00am – 2:00pm at Fellowship Bible Church located at 5434 E. 91st street in Tulsa.

Sheriff Regalado to Swear in Tulsa Tech Students as Detention Officers

On May 10th, Sheriff Regalado will swear in 13 Tulsa Tech Criminal Justice students as Detention Officers, who will then go to work in the Tulsa County Jail. Between now and October, six additional students will be sworn in as they reach the age of 18.

The partnership between TCSO and Tulsa Tech’s Criminal Justice Program creates immediate job opportunities for students, while helping the Tulsa County Sheriff Office to ease the manpower crisis at the jail.

Every month TCSO holds Detention Academies at the jail, but this does not provide enough employees to meet the manpower numbers needed.  Currently, the Tulsa County Jail needs an additional 100 Detention Officers.

Working in the jail gives graduates valuable experience and training they will be able use throughout their law enforcement careers.

This is the second year for the partnership. Last year, 15 Tulsa Tech students were sworn-in as Detention Officers.

2022 Regional Law Enforcement Job Fair


Join us at one of the region’s LARGEST Law Enforcement hiring events!

Where: SageNet Center Upper Level located at 4145 E. 21st Street in Tulsa. (Located at the Tulsa State Fairgrounds. It’s the building with the Golden Driller Statue)

When:  June 2, 2022

Times:  10:30am to 4:00pm

*This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required.

This fair will feature Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Cherokee Marshal’s, Catoosa PD, Bartlesville PD, Tulsa PD, Broken Arrow PD, Bixby PD, Sand Springs PD, Owasso PD, Jenks PD, Skiatook PD, Muskogee Creek Nation Lighthorse PD, Tulsa Community College PD, Oklahoma Department of Corrections, Okmulgee Co. Criminal Justice Authority, Muskogee PD, Glenpool PD, and more.

Agencies are looking to fill civilian and law enforcement positions.

Positions include Deputy Sheriff, Police Officer, Trooper, 911 Communications, Detention Officers, Clerks, Analysts, Maintenance Technicians, and more.

Click here for more details

Law Enforcement Job Fair
Year 2022 Job Fair for Regional Law Enforcement Agencies

Too Much To Lose Grant Program

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to keep young people safe, by ensuring Tulsa County businesses are following the law.

The 2M2L (Too Much to Lose) program is sponsored by ODOMHSAS. It’s designed to help keep alcohol out the hands of those who are under age, by making sure area businesses that sell alcohol are checking ID’s and refusing to sell to anyone who is under the age of 21.

TCSO received a $10,000 2M2L grant. This money will be used specially to fund grant shifts, in which TCSO Deputies will utilize underage volunteers to conduct compliance checks at area businesses such as; restaurants, bars, retailers, liquor stores and convenience stores.

This effort kicks off in May and runs through June. TCSO intends to apply for additional grant funding that will hopefully allow the program to continue after June.

For more info on the 2M2L Program: activitiesoklahoma.gov/odmhsas/prevention/communities/2m2l.htm

Phone Scam Targets Local Medical Professionals

For years, the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office has been warning area citizens about scammers who use the names of TCSO employees to try and scare people into paying hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars over the phone in order to avoid being arrested for warrants that don’t exist.

The most recent version of this scam is targeting medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses and physicians assistants.

In the past two weeks, the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office has been contacted by numerus medical professionals, who report that someone claiming to be a Deputy or supervisor from our office has called them, to threaten them with immediate arrest if they don’t pay thousands of dollars in fines for missing a court date in which they were subpoenaed to testify.

In every case, the scammer spoofs TCSO’s phone number, so it appears the call is being made from our office. The scammer does their research. They know their target’s home address and employer. This is all information that can be found online.

Just as in past scams, they order their target to purchase cash cards from local retailers in order pay the fine. As soon as the scammer has the numbers from the cash cards, the money is stolen. In a few cases, they have also tried to get the victim to use ApplePay as well.

On at least two occasions, the scammer has instructed potential victims to meet them in the parking lot TCSO’s headquarters building. But the criminal never showed up. So investigators believe the scammer does this in order to make the scam more believable to their target.

So far we have not received reports of anyone falling victim to this latest version of scam. But as we investigate, the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone:

  • TCSO never calls anyone with warrants to demand money.
  • If you receive one of these calls, hang up.
  • If you’re a victim of this scam, contact us at 918-596-5600 to file a report.
  • As an added tool to combat this scam, citizens can check to see if they have a Tulsa County warrant using the ”Check warrants” link on the homepage of tcso.org.

Tulsa State Fair Safety Tips

After a yearlong hiatus due to the pandemic, the Tulsa State Fair is back! It starts Thursday, September 30th and runs through October 10th. The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office wants to make sure fair goers stay safe and have a great time during the fair.

Child Safety

Over the 11 days of the event, more than a million people are expected to attend the Tulsa State Fair. With crowds this large, it’s easy for children to get separated from their families. Throughout the most recent fair in 2019, TCSO reunited 101 lost children with their families.

To help make reuniting lost kids with their families faster and easier, TCSO offers wrists bands for children. Parents write their cell phone numbers on the bands, so that if their child gets lost, deputies can call the number on the wristband and make plans to reunite the parents with their child.

The wrist bands are free. Families can pick them up at TCSO’s Command Post near the entrance gate on the east side of Expo Square or at TCSO’s booth on the upper level of Expo Square.

If your child becomes lost, immediately alert a Deputy or go to the “lost child” center on the east end of the midway near Central Park Hall.

Before You Arrive

  • Talk to your children about what to do if they get lost. Let them know that our Deputies are there to help them, and not be afraid to ask us for help.
  • Take a picture of your children with your cell phone. This will provide a current photo of your child and what they are wearing.

Don’t Tempt Vehicle Burglars

Without the “Park and Ride” bus service this year, there will be more vehicles parked around the fair grounds. This will create a larger target for vehicle burglars. To reduce your chances of becoming a victim, lock your vehicle and make sure no valuables are visible through the windows.


The midway can be crowded. So in case of a medical or law enforcement emergency, please move aside and give first responders room to do their jobs.

Guns are not permitted at the fair under 21 O.S. § 1290.22, section D.3

Ladies of Law Enforcement Day

TCSO is excited to host our first ever “Ladies of Law Enforcement” event. This event is a great opportunity for women to explore the various career opportunities that TCSO has to offer.

On August 14th, TCSO Trainers and staff will host a morning and afternoon session at our training center. Each session will begin with a demonstration by TCSO’s SWAT team, then participants will have an opportunity to either observe and/or participate in a number of law enforcement exercises such as: Virtual “shoot or don’t shoot” training, a traffic stop, obstacle courses of various difficulty levels, a defensive tactics demonstration and an officer rescue demonstration. The sessions will end with a panel discussion. The panelists will be female law enforcement members from TCSO as well as surrounding agencies. Participants will have an opportunity to ask the panelists questions about their various law enforcement careers.

The event will be held at TCSO’s Training Center at 6094 E 66th Street North on Saturday, August 14th

Ladies 18 years and older are invited to attend. The event is free however you must register in advance.

Click here to register for morning session

Click here to register for afternoon session


There are 30 spots available for each session. Reservations are first come, first serve. The morning session will go from 8:00 am to noon. The afternoon session is 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Ladies who sign up before July 28th will receive a free event T-Shirt.

Participants should wear athletic clothing. Sunblock is also recommended, as some of the activities will take place outdoors.

Law Enforcement Job Fair

Join us at the River Spirit Expo Lower Level located at 4145 E. 21st Street in Tulsa from 10:30am to 4:00pm on July 27, 2021 for a free law enforcement job fair. This event is free and open to the public and no registration is required.

This fair will feature The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office, Tulsa Police Department, Glenpool Police Department, Bixby Police Department, Broken Arrow Police Department, Owasso Police Department, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, and Jenks Police Department, Tulsa Community College Police and Tulsa County Court Services. 

These agencies will be hiring for civilian and law enforcement positions such as; Deputy Sheriff, Police Officer, Trooper, 911 Communications, Detention Officer, Clerks, Analysts and Maintenance Technicians.

Click here for more details

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