Community Policing

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office participates in a wide variety of community events and programs throughout the year. Below are just a few of the programs the Office participates in:

Community Events

The Office participates in a variety of special programs which includes neighborhood watch programs, crime prevention, parades, block parties and community fairs. We have Deputies that will come and speak at your events about crime and how to better protect yourself from scams, what are the responsibilities of the Sheriff’s Office.

For more information call 918-596-5612

Senior Education

The Sheriffs’ Office is active in TRIAD which brings Law Enforcement Senior Citizens and the community leaders together. The Sheriff’s office will send out an officer to speak to senior groups about, Elder Abuse, Scams against the elderly and how to protect them from becoming a victim of fraud.

For more information call 918-596-5612


A TRIAD is a three-way effort among a county’s sheriff, police chief and the AARP or older/retired leadership in the area to work together to reduce the criminal victimization of older citizens and enhance the delivery of law enforcement services to this population.

The signing of the state TRIAD Cooperative Agreement of Oklahoma took place September 29, at the Fifth Annual Governor’s Conference on Crime in Tulsa.

The TRIAD Cooperative Agreement of Oklahoma was signed by National Sheriff’s Association (NSA) Crime Prevention Committee Chairman, Tulsa County Sheriff Stanley Glanz; Governor Frank Keating; Attorney General Drew Edmonson; American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) State Director, James E. Schaffner; International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) President, John Whetsel, Oklahoma Sheriffs’ and Peace Officers’ Association President, Russ Higbie; Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association President, Bill Noland and Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police President, Jim Huffman.

A TRIAD provides an opportunity for the exchange of information between law enforcement and senior citizens and focuses on reducing unwarranted fear of crime and improving the quality of life for seniors. A TRIAD is tailored to meet the needs of each town/city/county and is governed by Seniors and Lawmen Together (S.A.L.T) a senior advisory council.

Also attending the three-day conference, held at the Downtown Tulsa Doubletree, was Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City FBI Bob Ricks. Ricks formerly served as Deputy Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) in Washington, D.C.

In 1988, the AARP, IACP and the NSA signed a cooperative agreement to work together to reduce both criminal and victimization and unwarranted fear of crime affecting older persons.

The three national organizations agreed police chiefs, sheriffs, older leaders and those who work with senior citizens, working together, could devise better ways to reduce crimes against the elderly and enhance law enforcement services to older citizens.

All three organizations shared the common goal – true community policing, providing better service to a population which appreciates, respects and supports law enforcement.

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