Property Auctions

Sale days after a holiday will be held in room 131 in the Tulsa County HQ Building at 10:00am. Registration opens at 9:30am and last registration will be at 9:55am.

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office is legally mandated to sell foreclosed properties as set forth in state statute.

The property lists are normally updated each Friday; properties to be offered at the sale taking place in six weeks are added and the properties that were offered on the previous Tuesday are removed.
To prevent the sale of a property, it is the plaintiff’s responsibility to submit any notice of recall to the Sheriff’s Office prior to the date of the scheduled sale.

Foreclosure Sales Location – Sales are conducted every Tuesday at:

Tulsa County HQ
218 W. 6th Street
Room 132 (1st Floor)
Tulsa, OK 74103

If Tuesday falls on a county holiday or if the courthouse is closed, the sale will take place on the first business day thereafter.

Online registration for property auction

Click Here for Foreclosure Sales List

Bidding Requirements & Rules

  1. All bidders are required to provide their name, their company’s name, the name to be entered on the deed, a phone number, mailing address, city, state, and zip on the Bidder’s Registration App provided by EventBrite.
  2. Bidders may go to to register. When the bidder reaches the  website, there will be tabs at the top of the page. Scroll over the tab that is labeled A set of links will appear, click on the link that is labeled Property Auctions. The Civil Process page will appear. There is a banner that says Online Preregistration Now Available. Click on that banner. The program Eventbrite will appear. Follow the prompts provided and click submit. The bidder will then be registered.
  3. Registration check-in will be from 9:30 – 9:55 a.m. and sales begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. This means that you must check-in, give your name and receive a number no later than 9:55 a.m.
  4. Every bidder must complete online Registration Check-In during the registration time frame. Please give the Civil personnel your name so that the registration may be verified. Once verification is complete, the bidder will be given a number. All bidder numbers must be returned to the sign-in table once the sale has ended.
  5. Once a bidder number is issued to you, you may not pass that number to a different bidder. If you pass the number to a different bidder, both parties will be banned for 6 months and any property bought will go to the next highest bidder.
  6. No Bidder registration will be allowed once the sale has begun.
  7. Turn your cell phone off. If you must receive, or make, a call please go to the hallway.
  8. An updated list of the properties will be available for viewing.
  9. DO NOT remove the list. This updated list of the properties is for use by all sale attendees.
  10. If a property has been recalled it will not be sold.
  11. For each property, we will call the court case number, address, and the appraised price.
  12. The legal representative for the Mortgage Company / Bank will begin the bidding. If there is no representative for the Mortgage Company / Bank, the opening bid will be opened to the public.
  13. The beginning bid cannot be lower than two-thirds (2/3) of the appraised value.
  14. The deputy will repeat each bid. Please allow the deputy to repeat the bid before you place the next bid.
  15. All bid increases must be a multiple of $500 and may not exceed the previous bid by more than $5,000.
  16. The Sheriff’s Office Sale Administrators reserve the right to raise bids by $1000 increments when approximately 100 bids have been taken.
  17. After the deputy has repeated the bid three times the sale is complete. No further bids will be taken.
  18. Successful bidders are required to provide a CASHIER’S CHECK for exactly 10% (ten percent) of the winning bid price before 1:00pm on the first business day that follows the sale date, at the TCSO Civil Desk located in the Tulsa County Courthouse. The cashier’s check should be made out to TULSA COUNTY COURT CLERK.

The remaining 90% (ninety percent) of the sale price is payable at the Tulsa County Court Clerk’s office (on the 2nd floor of the Tulsa County Courthouse) prior to the confirmation hearing; approximately three weeks after the sale date. The attorney for the mortgage holder will notify the winning bidder of the confirmation date.

If a successful bidder fails to present the 10% by 1:00 pm the following day, that bidder and the company will not be allowed to bid on any property for 30 days.

  1. When a successful bidder fails to comply with the above legal mandate, the next highest bidder may be given the opportunity to complete the sale. The next highest bidder is required to provide a CASHIER’S CHECK for exactly 10% (ten percent) of their winning bid price before 1:00pm on the first business day that follows the original required payment date, at the TCSO Civil Desk located in the Tulsa County Courthouse. The cashier’s check should be made out to Tulsa County Court Clerk.

Please read the ‘Sale Information’ sheet for the contact phone numbers and information you may need after the sale.

Sheriff’s Deputies and Staff are not attorneys. We cannot answer legal questions, please contact an attorney for legal advice.

Once the confirmation hearing has been held the attorney for the mortgage company will produce the deed and forward it to the Sheriff’s office. When the Sheriff has signed the document it will be ready to be picked up from our offices at 500 S. Denver Ave. We will mail out the deed if you enclose a self addressed stamped envelope.

The purchaser will be responsible for filing the deed with the County Clerk. Contact the Tulsa County Clerk’s Office with any questions related to filing the deed.

The purchaser will be responsible for payment of any taxes due the state. Contact the The Oklahoma Tax Commission with questions relating to state taxes. For questions on ad valorem taxes due to Tulsa County please contact the Tulsa County Treasurer’s Office. 

If you are the successful bidder on a property, the property is not yours until after the confirmation hearing and the deed has been filled with land records. If it is occupied, you are not allowed on the property until after an eviction has been completed. If you enter the property prior to this, you are committing a felony and could be arrested.


All foreclosed properties are sold “AS IS” and may be occupied. Prior to bidding, research the property’s records for outstanding liens and taxes that may not be satisfied by the foreclosure auction. You are not allowed on the property prior to filing the deed if you are the winning bidder.

Helpful Phone Numbers

  • County Clerk (918-596-5801): Liens and Deeds
  • Treasurer’s Office (918-596-5070): Tax information
  • Assessor’s Office (918-596-5100): Property Description and Location

Helpful Web Site

For additional information:

SHERIFF’S OFFICE: Civil Desk (918) 596-5663 or email at
CIVIL COURT CLERK: Civil Court Clerk (918) 596-5436

* For information about properties that have been dropped from the list, you can use the case number to get information from or call the Civil Desk.

See Also:

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