Teen Driving Course

Thank you for your interest in the Teen Driving Maneuver Course! This is not a beginner driver’s education type of course. The drivers go through some of the same driver training that is given to deputies, but at slower speeds. We also go over the vehicle’s safety features, changing the vehicle’s tires, and checking fluids.

The course is designed for teens 16-19 years old having a full driver’s license for 6 months (not counting permit time).

A vehicle must be provided to use in the driving course. While it is not required, the vehicle should be one the teen will mainly use in their daily activities. The vehicle must be in good, safe, working order, especially the tires and brakes. The vehicle will be inspected by instructors and students before it is used in the driving course.

Some forms must be signed and notarized before being submitted. Scans or copies of the driver’s license, along with the vehicle registration and valid insurance (of the vehicle the driver will be driving during the course) must be included with the submitted forms.

Form Links to be turned in for enrollment:

These can be mailed or turned in to one of our physical locations (listed below) or scanned and emailed to ptryon@tcso.org.

  • Tulsa County Courthouse, 500 S. Denver Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74103 – The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office is on the first floor at the end of the west hallway on the south (left) side of the hallway. Any deputy or court security officer at the entrances can assist you.
  • Faulkner Building, 303 W 1st St, Tulsa, OK 74103

Water and lunch will be provided. Restrooms will be available. 

For questions, please email ptryon@tcso.org.

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